Weather Stations
A reliable solution for all crops, providing sophisticated field monitoring and forecasting.
Affordable, compact and simple
With nMETOS monitoring your fields, you get key information when you need it most so you can troubleshoot issues before problems arise.
- Measures precipitation, air temperature & relative humidity (180SM also measures soil temperature & soil moisture)
- Can be configured to send you SMS Alarms for cases when quick actions are needed.
- Real-time information uploaded to the FieldClimate platform and accessed from your mobile device or computer.
- A device that can stand up to the harsh Canadian climate.
nMetos 180
nMetos 180SM
Reliable and Sophisticated Field Monitoring
With iMETOS monitoring your fields, you get key information when you need it most so you can troubleshoot issues before problems arise.
- Measures precipitation, air temperature, relative humidity, leaf wetness, solar radiation, wind speed & wind direction
- Can be configured to send you SMS Alarms for cases when quick actions are needed.
- Real-time information uploaded to the FieldClimate platform and accessed from your mobile device or computer.
- A device that can stand up to the harsh Canadian climate.
Flexibility, reliability and predictability
With μMETOS monitoring your fields, you get key information when you need it most so you can troubleshoot issues before problems arise.
- Measures precipitation, air temperature, relative humidity, leaf wetness, solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction & soil temperature.
- Can be configured to send you SMS Alarms for cases when quick actions are needed.
- Real-time information uploaded to the FieldClimate platform and accessed from your mobile device or computer.
- A device that can stand up to the harsh Canadian climate.